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Netting gives higher return on small-scale production investment

netotus teksteilla EN

Those living in a detached house have for long been able to use electricity produced by their own solar power plant to replace electricity purchased from the network. Now, own small-scale production will be even more beneficial with the introduction of netting.

The change in the metering decree that entered into force at the beginning of the year will be financially beneficial for households as a result of the introduction of internal netting in one-hour periods in small-scale production and consumption. You will gain the highest benefit from domestic small-scale production equipment when there is no need to feed electricity into the network as surplus electricity and you can use yourself all the electricity you have produced.

This reform will now enable internal netting of the imbalance settlement period between small-scale production and consumption. In the netting, electricity purchased and sold during the metering period is added up, and the result is either net purchase or net sale for each period regardless of the situation at any moment within the period in question. Currently, the metering period is one hour, and in the future it will be shortened to 15 minutes.

No action is required as a result of the introduction of netting

We will introduce netting at all small-scale production sites with a maximum production capacity of 100 kVA. Therefore, the change applies to the majority of small-scale producers in Vantaa. The introduction of netting is hassle-free: you can use the service when it appears on your electricity bill.

Savings in the electricity bill

Hourly netting is a change that brings savings for households. It enables better return on small-scale production investments because it cuts the costs of electricity distribution, electricity sales and taxes when a greater part of the electricity is used in your own property. It is free to distribute production into the low-voltage network, but small-scale producers need an agreement on the sale of surplus production, for example, with the current electricity supplier.